Monday, 7 April 2014


primary research // developing ideas:
As part of the designs for the promotional material for the museum of childhood I wanted to collect a variety of drawings from individuals of their favourite childhood toy, with how old they are now and their name next to it.  This collected research will then be used to inspire some of the designs for the posters.  My idea is to collect photographs that depict childhood in quite a traditional sense.  Then using the drawings I had collected I would draw them out on illustrator in simple line drawings and layer them over the photographs.  I feel black and white photographs would work the best for this as I can then make the lines of the toy drawings various colours.

primary research // sketches
These are the sketches I have gathered so far, with a variety of different ages to get a contrast in the kind of toys that were popular in the sixties, nineties etc.  I thought about either scanning the images in and using the actual hand drawings that everyone did, or to draw over them with the pentool.  Or simply to use the toy they gave me but in my own style draw it, that could allow the design to look more consistent.
The idea is the posters have these basic line sketches on, drawn in different colours overlaying black and white photography.  I think first i'll scan the images in and see how the original sketches look against the photographs and also how the quality of the drawings come out.
childhood photographs:
These are some photographs I plan on using of my dad when he was a child.  I think this are quite good because they look like quite stereotypical childhood shots, with siblings, playing in a paddling pool etc.

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