I decided after evaluating both briefs so far and looking at how similar they could potentially be, I want to try and change the direction of this one. I feel this one is more flexible and I am happier with the idea for the unsung heroes brief. I also thought this would be appropriate for my general direction within design. I am mostly focused on editorial and publishing so I feel my final portfolio should feature a lot of publications that i've made, I also find this format more enjoyable. My new idea is to create a proposed exhibition within the museum of childhood that focuses on peoples childhood memories. The deliverable for this brief will now be a publication that you would be able to purchase after going to the exhibition, or basically just a way of putting the exhibition into a printed format.
primary research:
I will still look at how I can collect primary research for this brief, I will go around asking people to write down childhood memories, which will form the content of the publication. Initially I was having trouble with what I could use as visuals for this publication as I wanted to move away from photographs as this was something I'd used heavily in the unsung heroes brief.
My new idea came from looking through photographs, I had a few frames and thought when scanned in they could look quite interesting. After scanning a few variations in I quite liked the look of them and thought this could be used. I was having trouble giving the imagery some context though as surely a frame without a photo doesn't link very well to the idea of childhood memories. I then thought of a concept which would work quite well and decided to call the exhibition a framed narrative.
frame narrative
a secondary story or stories embedded in the main story.
a narrative providing the framework for connecting a series of otherwise unrelated stories.
a literary device that uses such a narrative structure.
A story within a story, within sometimes yet another story
I thought this was perfect for the title of the exhibition as it fits the visual perfectly but the meaning/definition works really well. it works on two levels, the first being a story within a story, the exhibition has multiple stories within the exhibition which is a story in itself. And the second being the narrative of the exhibition connecting a series of otherwise unrelated stories.
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