Saturday, 1 March 2014


planning for print:
Emily and I discussed the best options for printing, we decided we wanted to print it as professionally as possible in order to use it as work for our portfolio.  After booking a print slot we needed to decide on the best possible stock for this, we will visit Leeds uni in order to get a broader range of stocks.  Whilst I was prepping files for print (idea of making stickers for the front of the sleeve) Emily took a trip to Sydney Beaumont, to look at their selection of vinyl for the stickers to be printed on.  We had decided on something metallic or perhaps shiny in order to get the best contrast against the stock and text.

These are the colours Emily chose which I am happy with and I think it'll give a really good contrast against the original design, it also adds something to the final finish of the sleeve.
Emily also managed to pick up 7" records which will really add to the work when being photographed.  The stickers will be the same design as the digital mock up of the sleeve, with the same typeface, karmacoma reflecting below 'massive attack' centred in a circle, however instead of the circle being black it'll be one of the chosen colours above.  I also did a few variations of possible stickers to see if any of this would work, the one on the left, a reference to the endless knot symbol for karma - using the same shape.
disc sticker templates, will follow the same design, the text the same however, placed in a circular motion around the centre of the disc, this would definitely benefit the design rather than have the band name and title run straight across the centre of the disc.
series:  as part of a series we decided to use another colour scheme and pattern for karmacoma (Portishead Experience)
sticker prep:  As we were printing a new sleeve for a different version of the song the relevant type needed to be added to the stickers for this sleeve.  I looked at using the same typeface, smaller point size and italicising it for possible finals.

After discussing with Emily we decided to try and use a different typeface for 'portishead experience' and thought a serif one might be a nice contrast to the block san-serif used as the main text:

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