Monday, 2 December 2013


design development.
For the display I wanted to type out some simple postcards with quotes about 'unsung heroes and heroines' to give it context, I tried to pick quotes as specific as possible to the story.

For trying to display the letter I divided it and then decided to incorporate photographs within the design.  The basic idea of my design is to display a story, an event, someones life or a part of it.  Whilst looking at this I also addressed the unsung hero and heroine, I think it can be quite a broad term.  I also looked into the memory of someone and how you are remembered, for how long etc.

This is one of the posters to show part of the story, my idea to include photographs was to firstly distort the letter slightly more but also because the images are relevant.  'Audrie' will change to an image of her.

The idea is to showcase a life, someone, interesting things that tell stories about people, people we don't know but who have interesting stories.  Everyone is made up of memories and past events, everyone remembers things differently, there is not one single memory exactly the same, each person views it through different perceptions.
This is the letter that gives some insight into the situation and what happened after Garth's death.  I think this is the most important part of the story because this allows the viewer to get a sense of the real emotion rather than a passage put together to explain.  My idea for one of the designs for the display is to show this letter, but in a distorted way, I have cut up the letter and pieced it back together editing sections with areas of photographs that involve the people in the situation. For example instead of an image of the name written down 'Audrie' it is replaced with a photograph of her.  

This is the last photograph taken of Garth, the day before the accident.

Because the design obviously distorts the full letter, I placed a text passage underneath to be able to read the whole letter:
The idea is to display the story across a wall display, this is what I could hopefully use for the promotional material for the proposed exhibition.  This would give an insight into what the exhibition would be like.  For the wall display I made some print outs that would accompany images like quotes and information.  I took parts of the letter and collaged them together, I then wrote, what I thought were poignant parts of the letter out on to the image. 

I also printed out postcards for the display that had quotes about 'unsung heroes and heroines' and memories and the past.
These are old photographs of Edythe, Garth, Norman, Audrie and Ethel that are all mentioned and a part of the story.  These photos will be on the wall display, as I scanned them in I moved the image in the scanner to give it a blurry, distorted look, which allows the viewer to see the image as a hazy memory.  This plays into the idea of how long does a memory last, how long are you remembered for?
This was the passage that was put in the newspaper, which will be part of the display underneath the last photograph of Garth.

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