Saturday, 1 February 2014


We wanted to collect images that we thought would work well with type being placed on.  When first discussing the direction of the brief we had decided a fashion typeface (vogue typeface, pistilli etc.) would suit the style of the show etc.  These are some visuals that we have collected that could be the potentials.
Patsy: Darling, if you want to talk bollocks and discover the meaning of life you're better off just downing a bottle of whisky. At least that way you're unconscious by the time you start to take yourself seriously!
Patsy: Anyway, I just have to tell these tragic, little wannabes, do you know what I tell them? I say, 'darling, just stick your fingers down your throat, hack off your tits, keep taking the tablets and don't come back until you're looking like something!' Y’know?
Edina: Who bloody needs 'em? Upper classes, who bloody needs 'em, sweetheart? They're all inbred anyway, aren't they?
Patsy: Yea, just a talking neck! Most of them have done away with features altogether! They have to marry a bit of common every now and again to ensure bone development!
Edina: Bloody hell, Patsy! Wash it this time, will you? Anyway, darling, who was it you were with last night?
Patsy: Oh, he was just a windscreen washer I picked up at the traffic lights...
Edina: Oh.
Patsy: Buns so tight he was bouncing off the walls.

Edina: God, I hope you're not inviting that bloody, bollocky, selfish, two-faced, chicken bastard, pig-dog-man, are you??
Patsy: Oh you little bitch troll from hell
Edina: Who bloody needs 'em? Upper classes, who bloody needs 'em, sweetheart? They're all inbred anyway, aren't they?
Patsy: ..And I'm partial to an injection of adrenaline straight to the heart.
Eddy: We'll go on public transport, Pats. Patsy: Are you mad? I've got nothing to wear on public transport
Eddy: Lacroix, sweetie! It's alright, isn't it? You know people will think, "Wow, it's a Lacroix!"
Patsy: Come on! Stoli, babe!
Patsy: Liquid lunch for me
Eddy: When somebody deliberately over-educates themselves out of the possibility of useful employment, I take issue.

Edina: Anybody can use Public Transport, Sweetie.
Patsy: Darling, if you want to talk bollocks and discover the meaning of life you’re better off just downing a bottle of whisky. At least that way you’re unconscious by the time you start to take yourself seriously!
Saffy: Get through? Mum, you’ve absolved yourself of responsibility. You live from self-induced crisis to self-induced crisis. Someone does your hair, someone chooses what you wear, someone does your brain, someone tells you what to eat and three times a week someone sticks a hose up your bum and flushes it all out of you!
Edina: I’m sorry if that sounds selfish, sweetie, but it’s me! Me! Me! Me!
Patsy: Time is like a stretched elastic band. You can’t let it go or it’ll come back and take your eye out.
Saffy: You cannot find yourself through massage!’
Edina: ..if you’re a bloody psychic psychologist how come I’m always having to phone you?

Patsy: Meg Ryan, movie star?! I’ll be the judge of that.
Saffy: Major motion pictures are made, huge concerts have been put on stadiums. I mean, for God’s sake, 500,000 were mobilized in the Gulf and a war fought and won in less time without everyone included having a nervous breakdown and being sent flowers. It cannot be that difficult.
Edina: Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Darling, every troop didn’t have to contain Yasmin Le Bon. The generals didn’t require big hugs after every maneuver and the whole thing did not have to be coordinated to rap and Japanese avant-garde bag-pipe music because, you know, darling, I think if it HAD, the outcome might have been rather different, don’t you? Hmm?
Patsy: What the hell is the difference between a painting done by a person who wishes to paint like a child, and a child’s painting?
Patsy: Eddy look, can I get away with this mouth?
Edina: Only in L.A., darling.
Edina: I don’t think that “Kylie Minogue chokes on vegetarian sausage after all-night not-drinking binge at safe celebrity nightspot” has quite the same ring about it.
Patsy: Could Julia Roberts’ lips get any bigger? It looks as if she’s giving birth to her own head!
Bubble: ‘Stylist’? Oh I’m too rich and famous to ask for my own free clothes will you do it for me? Will you be my stylist?

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