Monday, 10 February 2014


screen printing testing:
After exposing our screens we decided to do a test run to see how the images would turn out.  After exposing our screens we came across a bit of a problem with one of the screens.  Whilst being exposed some of the emulsion from a previous screen had been left on the screen exposer which meant when ours was done being exposed and we took the printed paper image off the screen part of the paper had stuck to it and it took some of the emulsion off with the screen.  We thought this would cause problems with the final print so before setting up or having to re expose the screen we did a test run to see the outcome.
We first tested with the yellow paint which actually made it hard to tell whether the exposed screen had actually been too affected to continue.  We then added some streaks of orange paint to the mix to see whether this would allow the blemish to show up more and whether we would have to change the screen.
Emily and I were quite happy with the tester and decided that the blemishes and imperfections actually added to the overall print and would not be worth wasting the time to expose another screen, especially when we were pleased with the results.

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