concept research: I researched into possible symbols that could be used to display the word 'karma,' we thought this would be a good approach to take as its a key word in the song and could fit in with the design. Karma can be interpreted with different symbols and different meanings in various cultures, I think with this song its important to try and display the right symbol for karma with the song. After researching into the various symbols and meanings I decided to go with the Buddhists interpretation, the endless knot. This theory fit with the feel and lyrics of the song and we also thought this would make for some interesting patterns and designs.
karma symbol research for concept
Karma is a simple translation of cause and effect on our psyche and subsequently our energy body. Karma is held in our energy body in the form of blockages which prevent our mind, body and spirit components from functioning in their truest and most natural form. By dissolving the blockages we allow whatever thought form created the blockage to rise to our conscious mind and thus be resolved by suitable means.
There are many Karma Symbols in circulation depending on the culture or religious path. Probably the most well know symbol is the Buddhist's Auspicious or Endless Knot (shrivatsa) which is a geometric diagram which symbolises the nature of reality where everything is interrelated and only exists as part of a web of karma and its effect. Having no beginning or end, it also represents the infinite wisdom of the Buddha, and the union of compassion and wisdom. Also, it represents the illusory character of time, and long life as it is endless.
The Auspicious or Endless Knot is a symbol used to define a learning point on the path to enlightenment. The understanding that everything is related and interrelated should lead us to think carefully about our thoughts and actions, and thus their impact or effects not just on ourselves or those around us, but on civilisation as a whole. By meditating on this symbol you can learn an awe-full lot about what causes effect you i.e. what karma effects you and thus draw a line in the sand preventing you from proliferating the habits of your ancestors. Also and more importantly it should help you develop a conscious approach to your thoughts and actions preventing you from adding to the never ending and interrelated web of karmic waste.
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