Friday, 9 May 2014


ordering paper/looking at samples
Today Sophia and I looked at some sample papers from GF Smith to see what kind of stock we could get for some of our briefs.  As we have both got some publications left to print we wanted some variety in terms of what paper we were going to print on.  So far a few of the publications I have printed on have been a thin white matte stock from the print room, this is because most of my publications have been photography based and this stock prints the images a lot clearer.  We looked at whites and creams as this was obviously the stock we wanted to be using to print the content of our publication.
This was the sample book that we looked at to see what would be best.  Although I like textured stocks and in some cases prefer this when coming to print, from past experience I've learnt that it doesn't print too well with photographs.

We looked at a variety of similar stocks but wanted to choose something a little different to what was available to us in the print room.  Something thin enough to be able to bind properly without the pages becoming too thick and uneven.

We narrowed it down to a couple of specific choices mostly whites and slight off whites:
  • cranes crest fluorescent white 90gsm - nice texture and colour, probably too thin for printing photographs on - you can see type on reverse side, also available in 105/120/300/365 gsm
  • quite a lot of choices we were interested in in the Mohawk - including crystal white smooth, mohawk superfine white smooth, I personally also liked Mohawk Superfine white eggshell.  That was a slight off white, which I liked but I felt I had to have something more suited to print on that shade of paper.
  • naturalis recycled smooth 250 gsm - I thought this would be quite nice for self branding, with the type of thing I had in mind, mixed with a parchment/brown stock.

We decided to pick two choices, as you have to buy in bulk, and then to split the sheets and price evenly, this was we would be getting two different types of stock, allowing a bit more variety amongst the printed material I already have.

The two we choose were:
Mohawk Superfine White Smooth 118 gsm
Naturalis Recycled smooth 135 gsm
We felt this differed enough from each other and from the paper in the print room.  The mohawk had a very smooth finish, although the recycled was still smooth it had a slightly different feel.  I think these stocks will allow a bit of variety amongst my portfolio and print nicely.

This is the order confirmation and receipt, the paper should be with us within the next day or two:

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