Wednesday, 21 May 2014


brief 11_the drinks club

This brief was something that contrasted with a lot of my other briefs as I hadn't done that much branding this year, however, I found this brief was enjoyable and although I wouldn't particularly favour branding as an area of graphics I would like to go into I did enjoy the process of this brief.  This allowed me to gain a lot of experience woking for a client, this taught me about designing to meet other peoples requirements and needs and not just designing for yourself.  However I did get a lot of freedom to take the brief in a direction that I wanted to, I found this to be a good balance between getting what I wanted from the brief but also delivering something to a client that they could be happy with.  Something that I found quite satisfying with this brief was bringing all the products together to photograph, which I have taken a lot more care with this year than in previous.  But bringing all the branded products together and photographing them as a collective allowed me to see how successful the brief had been as a range of products.  I was faced with problems that I would not usually of thought about as much when designing publications, which is what I have done for the majority of the year, such as stock choice.  I feel my drawing skills have improved from this brief as I drew the logo and then made it digital on illustrator.  I think this brief also allowed me to work on my concept skills as it was quite a broad brief in terms of where I could take it.  In terms of photographing the final products I liked how the photographs turned out but would of liked to of been more prepared with props, drinks etc. as I think this would of added to the overall image of the drinks club.  This brief was the first time I had duplexed membership cards which I thought really added to the design of them and is something I will try and do with my self branding.  Overall, for a branding project, something I am not strong at, I feel quite happy with the final outcome.

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