Wednesday, 21 May 2014


brief 01_contemporary culture

This was one of my most enjoyable briefs and probably, in my opinion, one of the most successful.  I think in terms of research skills, especially primary, this brief has allowed me to strengthen that area.  It was a good opportunity for me to be able to contact some of my favourite designers and people from around the world to take part in the project, and because of that I felt really engaged with it the entire time.  This is a project I would like to continue doing after the course and possibly try and extend it further in some way.  I feel this brief embodies all the areas of graphic design I really love (editorial, photography, publication) as well as travel and culture.  I think the biggest skill gained here is communicating with a range of people to help build the content for my publication.  This was an on going brief throughout the year and so was something that I could keep coming back to and picking up.  There were a few problems that were out of my control, such as cameras getting lost in the post, however, apart from that I was pleased with the photos I received back and the overall project when it came together.  I feel this is one of the first briefs that I am happy with the final outcome and I think the journey of getting to the final point was a really interesting and engaging way to work on something which I will continue to do.

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