Originally I wanted the zine to be A5 as this is the standard size for a zine and as I wanted to keep it quite traditional in terms of the stereotype of a zine. However, when I received the images back I was really happy with them and I feel they depicted exactly what I wanted, which is why I have decided to go for A4 in terms of format. Whilst looking at some zine designs for layout and the content of the pictures I wanted to blow them up to fit across double page spreads.
test print:
I started laying out my spreads on A4 format, but decided to test print to see the quality of the images. As some of the images were sent to me through post I was able to scan in with the preferred dpi and so these were allowed to be placed on a larger scale. However some of them were sent online after a few problems with postal services, so obviously this changes how much control I have over how large some of the images can go in scale.
This is going to be an on going project that I want to continue after uni and so I am still waiting for cameras back from Australia, China and New York. I also recently got in touch with someone from Turkey who is currently taking photographs now. As it stands I have received photos from England, France, Tanzania, Argentina and Dubai. These five places will feature in the first zine. I am now unsure whether to have the five places in one zine and group places like that in one publication, so there would be less zines but the content would be larger, or to split the five between two different zines. I did think about having one zine for each place, however I don't think you'll be able to get the true contrast between different places and some places fall short of photographs to have an entire zine based on it.
I've now decided to try and keep the A4 size format as I like the idea of it being that large, I think the photos are good enough to de displayed on a larger scale than A5, I also want to try and vary the publication sizes I have done this year. I will just scale the photos to fit on the page so I am not rescaling them to loss too much quality.
These are some standard layouts that I have put together for displaying the photographs in the zine, I think the photos would benefit from having a lot of white space surrounding it and as little text as possible as the images speak for themselves. This is the standard layout I am thinking for portrait and landscape, on the stronger images, pages could potentially have up to five photos.
This is a layout I looked at before deciding to change the format from A5 to A4, I quite liked the layout for this but the quality of the image becomes too grainy and wouldn't look as sharp when printed.
When looking at various photographic zines for inspiration I came across a lot of nice designs where the photos featured in black and white, this was something I wanted to try but instantly knew that taking the colour away from the images would be taking away the display of culture in its highest form, I think the colour is essential in this zine as it allows the audience to get a feel for the culture more so than if it was just in black and white. However as I want to continue with this series I would quite like to try and make one of the zines in A5, black and white imagery.
Looking at typefaces was something I wanted to get right with the photographs. At first I tried to go with a san serif typeface as I feel I consistently use serif type, however when testing various styles I felt the serif typeface Prata suited the content of the publication more so than a san serif typeface.
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