Friday, 25 October 2013


progress crit feedback:
Today we had to present our progress so far in terms of extended practice to a small group and a tutor to receive some feedback and to see the different stages everyones working at.  This being the first crit of the year, I was concerned about the lack of visual and practical work I would be able to show, however, the crit proved to be very helpful and encouraging at this stage.

I spoke about the three briefs that I had begun to plan and work on.

brief 01: contemporary culture, this is my main focused brief and have made a plan for the things that need to be completed in order to get everything completed.  The actual designing of this brief will not start until after christmas but the planning and organising must start now in order to have the bulk of images and research ready in time.

My idea for this brief is to send out disposable cameras to people I know dotted around different cities and give them a time period in which they must capture there idea of contemporary culture.  This way I will be building up a collection of images that should best meet the brief but also allows for the research process to be more interesting.  This way I will be looking at other peoples idea of modern culture and getting, hopefully, interesting and exciting results.

brief 04: museum of childhood.  This weekend I am going to TFL headquarters in London for a talk held by Oliver Green for my dissertation.  Whilst Im there I will visit the museum of Childhood for some primary research, to take photographs and notes.  My idea for collecting research for this would be to collect a number of quick (two minute) A5 sketches of peoples favourite childhood toys, they wouldn't have to be drawn well at all, this is just part of idea development and collecting visuals.  I was hoping to get a variety of ages to take part as this broadens the results and also shows a small history of childhood through the years.  I thought these visuals would be good to use for design style of the project, either manipulating and working with the images I collect or using them as a starting point for inspiration and ideas.

brief 08: spectrum (collaboration)
Briefly touched on the developing stages of this so far.  Looking at experimental print, pattern, colour and technique to create promotional posters for a design festival in Liverpool.  Early stages of ideas.

I received good feedback which really helped as at the moment I feel like everything is either in my head or on paper and the thought of having to balance various briefs with COP and trying to timetable yourself and get started is quite daunting so this has been encouraging.

  • good methods of primary research
  • in relation to brief 01: good idea as you're getting other peoples perspectives
  • interesting way of getting research, try and fit this in with a few more briefs?
  • look at 90s toy ads
  • survey of peoples favourite childhood toys

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